Tone, 2008
Ehing, handmade papers, plant material
Faye Collins is a native of Greensboro, and a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) with a BFA (Magna cum laude), and an MFA in painting and printmaking. She continued her education at Penland and Arrowmont Craft Schools, studied art history in France and painting and art history in Italy. One of her most influential teachers at UNCG was John Opper. Her notes from class with Opper included the following; “be honest . . . have order of some kind . . .no gimmicks . . . use sense and instinct . . . the whole is more important than a part.” She also had a life-long friendship with Helen Thrush, and donated several of Helen’s woodcuts to the Weaver Art Collection. Collins created the collage, Tone, from one of her etchings with chine colle, photographs color copied on handmade papers, and objects from nature. She strives for compositions that integrate natural and man-made objects with the same considerations she gives a drawing or painting. Collins’ work was included in Art On Paper at the Weatherspoon Art Museum in 1987, 1992, and 2002. Her work has been shown at Gallery 115, the Hickory Museum of Art, High Point Theater Gallery, Meredith College Gallery, and Green Hill Center for NC Art.